National Bank New Masovia
National Bank New Masovia has the sole right to issue the currency of the Principality of New Masovia. Currency may consist of bank notes and/or coins. NBNM is also responsible for withdrawing worn or counterfit currency from circulation. New Masovian currency is backed by silver which is held by the Crown.
Exchange Rates - as of 12 November 2022
Exchange rates shown are updated on a weekly basis. Actual exchange rates are based on live market prices of silver at the time of exchange.
Bank Notes of New Masovia
Bank notes are issued by National Bank New Masovia and are legal tender within New Masovia. Official bank notes bear the Prince's signature, are printed on stock containing natural plant fibers. Future series of bank notes will contain serial numbers. The 2019 series of bank notes will feature the following:
10 Zlotys: Portrait of Lech. Main color is brown, accented in green and yellow.
20 Zlotys: Portrait of Princess Wanda. Main color is green, accented in yellow and blue.
50 Zlotys: Portrait of Pompilius II. Main color is indigo, accented in blue and turquoise.
100 Zlotys: Portrait of Kazimirus I. Main color is purple, accented in gold and blue.
Banknotes are presently only available at the National Bank. We hope to have these available for purchase online for collectors later this spring. You may contact us via email (below) and we will contact you when they become available online.
Contact Us
National Bank New Masovia
Królewska 100
00-100 Nowy Pułtusk
New Masovia